which can be omitted if configured as the default datasource.
Syntax | Description |
sim://delayedConnectionChannel(delayInSeconds, value) |
A channel that connects after an initial delay. This is useful to test timeout behavior of applications. The value can be a number, a string, an array of numbers or an array of strings. |
sim://intermittentChannel(delayInSeconds, value) |
A channel that keeps connecting and disconnecting. This is useful to test disconnect behavior of applications. The value can be a number, a string, an array of numbers or an array of strings. |
sim://const(number) sim://const("string") sim://const(number, number, ...) sim://const("string", "string", "string", ...) |
A constant which can be a number, a string, a number array or a string array. |
sim://flipflop sim://flipflop(timeStep) |
A boolean value that changes state every
timeStep. The default is equivalent to sim://flipflop(0.5) . |
sim://gaussianNoise sim://gaussianNoise(average, stdDev, timeStep) |
Random numbers gaussian distributed around average with stdDev width, generated every
timeStep. The default is equivalent to sim://gaussianNoise(0, 1, 0.1) . |
sim://gaussianWaveform sim://gaussianWaveform(periodInSeconds, stdDev, nSamples, updateRateInSeconds) |
A waveform with nSamples shaped like a gaussian that cycles around in time every periodInSeconds, generated every
updateRateInSeconds. The default is equivalent to sim://gaussianWaveform(1, 100, 100, 0.1) . |
sim://sineWaveform sim://sineWaveform(periodInSeconds, wavelengthInSamples, nSamples, updateRateInSeconds) |
A waveform with nSamples shaped like a sine wave of width wavelengthInSamples that cycles around in time every periodInSeconds, generated every
updateRateInSeconds. The default is equivalent to sim://sineWaveform(1, 100, 100, 0.1) . |
sim://squareWaveform sim://squareWaveform(periodInSeconds, wavelengthInSamples, nSamples, updateRateInSeconds) |
A waveform with nSamples shaped like a square wave of width wavelengthInSamples that cycles around in time every periodInSeconds, generated every
updateRateInSeconds. The default is equivalent to sim://squareWaveform(1, 100, 100, 0.1) . |
sim://triangleWaveform sim://triangleWaveform(periodInSeconds, wavelengthInSamples, nSamples, updateRateInSeconds) |
A waveform with nSamples shaped like a triangle wave of width wavelengthInSamples that cycles around in time every periodInSeconds, generated every
updateRateInSeconds. The default is equivalent to sim://triangleWaveform(1, 100, 100, 0.1) . |
sim://sawtoothWaveform sim://sawtoothWaveform(periodInSeconds, wavelengthInSamples, nSamples, updateRateInSeconds) |
A waveform with nSamples shaped like a sawtooth wave of width wavelengthInSamples that cycles around in time every periodInSeconds, generated every
updateRateInSeconds. The default is equivalent to sim://sawtoothWaveform(1, 100, 100, 0.1) . |
sim://noise sim://noise(minValue, maxValue, timeStep) |
Random numbers uniformly distributed between the minValue and the maxValue, generated every
timeStep. The default is equivalent to sim://noise(-5, 5, 1) . |
sim://noiseWaveform sim://noiseWaveform(minValue, maxValue, timeStep) sim://noiseWaveform(minValue, maxValue, nSamples, timeStep) |
A waveform filled with nSampes random numbers uniformly distributed between the minValue and the maxValue, generated every
timeStep. The default is equivalent to sim://noiseWaveform(-5, 5, 100, 1) . |
sim://ramp sim://ramp(minValue, maxValue, timeStep) sim://ramp(minValue, maxValue, step, timeStep) |
A ramp (sawtooth wave) between the minValue and maxValue, increasing by the step amount every
timeStep. If step is negative, the wave starts at maxValue and decreases
The default is equivalent to sim://ramp(-5, 5, 1, 1) . |
sim://sine sim://sine(minValue, maxValue, timeStep) sim://sine(minValue, maxValue, samplePerCycle, timeStep) |
A sine wave between the minValue and maxValue divided into samplePerCycle samples in each period, updating every
The default is equivalent to sim://sine(-5, 5, 10, 1) . |
sim://strings sim://strings(timeStep) |
A string generated every timeStamp.
The default is equivalent to sim://strings(0.1) . |
sim://table sim://table(timeStep) |
Generates a table.
The default is equivalent to sim://table(0.1) . |